Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Half Moon Video Blog!

Antoine and I have done another video blog. This one is a long one. We get more serious in this one. Watch and enjoy. Don't forget we have it setup like a podcast now on iTunes. Just search Round Table Reels in the iTunes store. You can also check it out at roundtablereels.blip.tv.

Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube! www.youtube.com/roundtablereels
Also friend us on myspace! www.myspace.com/roundtablereels

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On Film In General

The film world has changed over the years. There are more and more Indie filmmakers like myself and many of you. The Internet has brought a whole new way to find your target crowd.

The Internet has also brought something else. It has created a group of people who watch Internet videos. There is nothing wrong with this at all, but in some cases from people I've spoken to who land in this group, they will sit there for hours watching 2 min videos, but they can't always watch a full length movie. They don't have the patience, and if they do have the patience they don't care so much about watching it in the theater. They'll netflix it, or get it on iTunes for their iPod. Granted not everyone in this group are like this, but it does scare me a little.

I have always had the belief that the best way to experience a film is on the big screen. My father used to take my little brother and me to see movies in theaters all the time. You get to sit with a crowd of people, who are going to experience it with you. Everyone reacts to the same things you are. You jump, laugh, yelp, with everyone. It's a bonding experience. You can't beat what it's like.

So when people say that they'll netflix a movie they really want to see scares me. It's telling me that the big screen experience could start to die out. I know that there are too many people out there today who feel the same way I do, for it to go quickly, but it can eventually be a possibility.

Well that's it for now. I now do a video blog/podcast look it up on iTunes, just go to the iTunes store and look up Round Table Reels. It's free to subscribe!
It's also on blip.tv. http://roundtablereels.blip.tv
Also please subscribe to our youtube. www.youtube.com/roundtablereels
Friend us on myspace! www.myspace.com/roundtablereels

Monday, February 16, 2009

Last Cigarette Update!

We have the final casting done for Last Cigarette.

Written by Jennifer Lawrence
Directed and Produced by Alexander C. Stronach

Synopsis: A love story in the vein of a classic Hollywood movie. The setting is modern day but is nostalgic of the 1940’s. It’s laced with classic movie references and revolves around the mysterious relationship between Rick (Kevin Buckley) and Lauren (Jessica Lee Lawrence).


Rick: Kevin Buckley

Lauren: Jessica Lee Lawrence

Jay: Antoine McKnight

Bob: Jason Kover

Veronica: Leasha Brooks

Creative Team:

Director/Producer: Alexander C. Stronach

Writer/ Assistant Director: Jennifer Lawrence

Coordinator: Jessica Lee Lawrence

Director of Photography: Antoine20McKnight

Sound: Jason Kover

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another Video blog from Alex and Antoine!

Antoine and I did another video blog. We talk about the Indies, Zack and Miri, and more! We even talk about a contest. Check it out! Oh and please subscribe to our iTunes podcast for the blog, and our youtube.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Half Moon Video Blog!

Antoine and I have started doing our video blogs again. So check it out, and subscribe to our youtube, www.youtube.com/roundtablereels, and our iTunes, all you have to do is go to the iTunes store and search Round Table Reels then click subscribe.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Alex and Antoine's Video Blogs! and more!

There has been a lot of stuff going on in recent weeks. Antoine and myself will be starting up our video blogs again. They will be shorter than the hour long one's we've done in the past, but we hope will be as entertaining. Chances are we will be posting them up on our Youtube page, and possibly our blip.tv page. The blip.tv page will allow us to set up an iTunes podcast set up. I'll let you know in the future if we are able to get that setup correctly.
www.youtube.com/roundtablereels. Please Subscribe!

We also have started on a new concept for a short little show which I will announce in the near future. I also have some other big news for the near future. This stuff will probably surprise some of our fans, or at least our approach on this stuff will.

Yeah I know this ended up being a little bit of a teaser blog, but I can't say much yet. Well that's it for now. Oh and don't forget to friend us on myspace, and check out our website.