Monday, September 28, 2009

Would-be Ford assassin 'Squeaky' Fromme moving to Marcy - Utica, NY - The Observer-Dispatch

I know this post is kinda a little late compared to when the story was done in the newspaper but just now I felt the need to post something on it. The reason I've taken interest on this story is because it involves my home town Marcy, and yes I do still live there. It's cool that a celebrity has moved to my town. Maybe she can keep it from being over populated, I don't want to many people from moving here, I kinda like the woods we have around here, they're good for shooting films in. lol. That's all I really have to say for now. See you guys later.
Would-be Ford assassin 'Squeaky' Fromme moving to Marcy - Utica, NY - The Observer-Dispatch

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fruit F#@ker - A GameZombie Exclusive

That's great that someone actually made a costume out of a Penny Arcade classic comic character.